Six Things You Should Know About Your Yearly Mammogram
So here we are! We have arrived to the age of requiring a yearly mammogram. Where has the time gone? I remember hearing women talk about their experience , and quite frankly I was horrified. Their elaborate description of their breast being smashed between two plates of glass, causing alot of pain. Well either technology has changed, or I have a high pain tolerance; because it is really not that bad.
I have come up 6 things I wish I would have known before my first mammogram. Hopefully this will ease your anxiety, and have you schedule your appointment.
Lets start with some facts, shall we. These are from the American Cancer Society.
- Women 40 to 44 have the choice to start receiving their annual mammograms
- Women 45 to 54 should get one every year
- Women 55 and older can switch to receiving their mammograms every 2 years, or continue yearly
Okay with that being said, here are the 6 things I wish I knew before my first mammogram
Mammograms only take about 20 minutes.
This will help with discomfort
Try to find a location with 3D mammograms.
Recent studies show an increase in cancer detection rate for both dense and non dense breast, with 3D mammograms. I get my yearly mammograms at Dublin Methodist Hospital and they offer the 3D mammogram.
Do not wear deodorant
They tell you this when you scheduled your appointment. But what if you are getting yours done on your lunch break or after work, you cant go all day without it. No worried they have deodorant wipes. The reason why the ask you not to wear it is because it can show up as white spots. So if you can go with out do, but they do have the wipes if you can not.
Do not wear a dress!
Okay so I know this first hand on my last one. Try to wear pants or a skirt, because you will be removing your top and bra. This will help you feel less exposed and uncomfortable.
It is common to get a call back.
This is the first time they are seeing your breast. I have had several friends receive a second scan and have been just fine. According to the American Cancer Society; 1 in 10 women require more test. However 8 to 10 will need a biopsy, and 80% of the biopsy will turn out not cancer.
I hope this helps anyone having anxiety about scheduling their first mammogram. I am here to tell you that it is not that bad. So get on the phone and schedule your mammogram now!!
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