So here we are! We have arrived to the age of requiring a yearly mammogram. Where has the time gone? I remember hearing women talk about their experience , and quite frankly I was horrified. Their elaborate description of their breast being smashed between two plates of glass, causing alot of pain. Well either technology has changed, or I have a high pain tolerance; because it is really not that bad. I have come up 6 things I wish I would have known before my first mammogram. Hopefully this will ease your anxiety, and have you schedule your appointment. Lets start with some facts, shall we. These are from the American Cancer Society. Women 40 to 44 have the choice to start receiving their annual mammograms Women 45 to 54 should get one every year Women 55 and older can switch to receiving their mammograms every 2 years, or continue yearly Okay with that being said, here are the 6 things I wish I knew before my first mammogram Mammograms o...